“An artist’s job is to risk everything
on the present moment.
To jump into the unknown
and bring back a record of the journey.
This is where all art begins.
Without this spirit there would be no art.”
~ Author Unknown even to Google ~
Jumping into the Unknown
Exactly! Every time I start a new painting, there I am facing the unknown in the form of a blank sheet of paper. Because I am an intuitive painter, I never... Read More
An Inquiry into Shame and Self-Forgiveness
Rahima Warren
Someone tells me that they didn’t like something I said to them. I apologize and we hug. But I am left with a yucky feeling inside. “I was a bad girl!” says the child in me. “You were a bad girl!” roars the inner critic. I cringe and try to hide out: watch TV, read a book, anything to get away from this horrid feeling. But of course, that doesn’t work. It’s... Read More
All Earth Is One Life: Messages for Humanity
In meditation, I was watching my breath, keeping a focus on belly and heart, feeling how the breath connects these two centers of awareness. This led me into a state of deep stillness.
Out of this stillness, came a powerful receiving:
“This world is going to be so different in the future. The ones who will survive will be humble. They will be the ones who let go of the belief and... Read More
Staying Safe or Surrendering: Facing a Dilemma in Creativity and Spirituality
Many years ago, I had an awe-inspiring glimpse of the Flow of Divine Creativity. It appeared to me as a cosmic Fountain of Creativity, endlessly flowing upward with an outrageous infinitude of vivid, colorful images: trees, cartoons, volcanoes, tulips, cars, babies, tigers, paintings, skyscrapers, movies, soldiers, roses, stars, drums—everything tumbling upward forever!
I saw that what we human creators do is tap into this infinite Fountain, and channel one... Read More
A Dream of Peace
Recently, I dreamed that I was walking with a group of people with the President toward a meeting with the enemy. The President had a new, special power. He could say just one word, and it would become true, no matter what. I was wondering what word he should say. I realized that of course, he should say “Peace.” Then I noticed that I was not feeling peaceful. So I consciously focused on shifting into peacefulness.... Read More
Born to love. We all are. But then come all the circumstances, limitations, attitudes and apparent deficiencies we encounter in life. Makes it hard to remember to “Be Love Now” (as Ram Dass suggests in his book of that title). Despite the challenges, I’m spending a good part of my life bumbling along the path of the heart, exploring many ways of returning to the love I knew before I was born. It’s a bumpy journey, with lots of ups... Read More
Yesterday, I saw my walls – the wooden walls I am holding up against the world. They are at least three feet thick!
What are these walls for? I’m desperately trying to protect myself from the roughness, the pain, the heartache that living in our current reality usually brings. I’m resisting any real contact with the world, from a deep, old fear of being crushed, maimed, destroyed. I imagine that if I let go of my walls, and let them... Read More
What is Peace? On this day when we remember a terrible act of non-peace, I heard this question, and it resonated with importance.
Many people want peace, pray for peace for the world, and/or for inner peace. I have gone to a 24-hour prayer vigil for peace, and a two-week pilgrimage to pray for peace. But I never asked myself this question.
Is peace just the absence of war, or of inner conflict? Is inner peace a sort of still... Read More
The old, masculine definition of fierceness has to do with “ferocity, severity, violence, strength, power, savageness, viciousness.” These are some of the synonyms for fierceness that come up in the Thesaurus. But there is a new definition arising among some women I know, having to do with standing up for ourselves, protecting ourselves, being loyal to ourselves, to our intuitive wisdom, to what we love, to what we know is right for ourselves – no matter what others may say... Read More
I’d been having a frustrating day. Couldn’t get centered or focused. Tried to get something done, but nothing was working. The printer wouldn’t print. Answers to emails that I thought I needed NOW were not forthcoming. I felt anxious and uneasy. I blamed the stars: Mercury was in retrograde.
Finally, I gave up and went outside onto our deck. First thing I noticed was a small, nearly colorless dragonfly perched on a purple salvia flower, absolutely still. So still that... Read More