An Imaginary Dialog with Hawk Spirit
Rahima: Dear Hawk Spirit, twenty years ago, you told me that the consequences of our human choices (industrialization, war, greed, extraction from Mother Earth instead of caring for Her) were coming and many would suffer. Now I see these consequences happening, and much suffering everywhere from drought, firestorms, huge floods, terrible storms. Will you talk with me again?
Times are fearsome but no need to fear.
This evolution must happen. Humanity must grow... Read More
Messages for Humanity from the Dreamtime
via Rahima Warren
Today—with Houston and many other places drowning, and much of the U.S. West burning; with unstable leaders in D.C. and North Korea; with sea level rising and mega-storms increasing along with hatred and injustice, wars and refugees—I feel scared and sad. In need of guidance and wisdom, I reread a powerful series of dreams with Hawk Spirit that came to me in the 1990s.
My way of working with dreams is... Read More
All Earth Is One Life: Messages for Humanity
In meditation, I was watching my breath, keeping a focus on belly and heart, feeling how the breath connects these two centers of awareness. This led me into a state of deep stillness.
Out of this stillness, came a powerful receiving:
“This world is going to be so different in the future. The ones who will survive will be humble. They will be the ones who let go of the belief and... Read More
I’d been having a frustrating day. Couldn’t get centered or focused. Tried to get something done, but nothing was working. The printer wouldn’t print. Answers to emails that I thought I needed NOW were not forthcoming. I felt anxious and uneasy. I blamed the stars: Mercury was in retrograde.
Finally, I gave up and went outside onto our deck. First thing I noticed was a small, nearly colorless dragonfly perched on a purple salvia flower, absolutely still. So still that... Read More
Are We Butterfly Soup?
The Butterfly has recently been appearing to me in visions and life. A black butterfly woman appeared in one of my paintings; a stained glass butterfly in another. At a retreat, I pulled a symbol from a bag and received Butterfly. So I have been pondering the meaning and message of Butterfly.
Primarily, Butterfly is associated with Transformation, because the caterpillar literally transforms into a butterfly. But, as Maya Angelou says,
“We delight in the beauty... Read More
Today, I’m a guest on Tracie Nichols’ wonderful blog, sharing my latest painting, “Stained Glass Animals,” and messages of wisdom and compassion from Animals Spirits. Please visit:
http://home/starseersprophec/ Read More