Hello! I’m Rahima Warren—an expressive artist, eclectic mystic, and a third-generation native of California. I reside with my husband in Northern California, where I periodically chase squirrels off the wild bird feeders and deer away from my roses. My life-long love of fantasy is my parents’ fault: they left sci-fi and fantasy magazines with fascinating cover art lying around the house. Naturally, they were the first things I picked up to read.
For 20 years, I was a licensed psychotherapist in private practice. Drawing from my experience with my clients, and from my own inner journey, I wrote The Star-Seer’s Prophecy from a place of compassion, emotional and spiritual authenticity–and surrender to the creative flow, as detailed below. I retired in 2006 to focus on my expressive painting and spiritual studies, and to devote myself to the writing of this powerful healing story.
How My Hero Turned Me Into A Writer
Once upon a time, I was a psychotherapist, minding my own business, and seeing my clients. Then one day in December 1999, I wrote a little story in my journal. The idea was to write down this inner character’s story so he’d stop bugging me. Big mistake!
That little story opened the floodgates. Seventeen years later, I’ve retired from my practice, and have written a dark, deep, spiritual and healing fantasy trilogy, entitled The Star Seer’s Prophecy.
How’d this happen, you ask? It wasn’t my idea! The hero of the trilogy—his name is Kyr, by the way—had quite a journey to go on. The only way he could do it was to take over my life and turn me into a writer. When those floodgates opened, a rush of intense, exciting creative energy poured forth. I surrendered to the current and it swept me along.
Fortunately for me (and perhaps unfortunately for my clients), I didn’t want to do anything but write Kyr’s story. I had no plan. I just went with the flow and wrote what Kyr showed me. His story started out so dark that I was sure I would never show it to anyone, ever! But it was so much fun to write, I had to keep on going. It was the only way to find out what happened next!
From a certain angle, it seems like my whole life was preparation to write Kyr’s story. In one version or another, he has been lurking in my fantasy life since I was in the second grade. After decades of personal growth work; after becoming a transpersonal counselor and working with clients for twenty years; after writing journals full of reflections, poetry and dreamwork; after many adventures, vision quests and spiritual awakenings; and finally, after becoming an Expressive Arts therapist, I was ready. I’d learned to trust the creative process and my soul’s hidden wisdom, and was able to allow Kyr’s story to pour forth without censoring or editing.
Once the first draft was done, I understood what the story was about, and reshaped it quite a bit. Then I realized that I’d written an entire fantasy trilogy! With the help of my editor and now publisher, Naomi Rose, I refined the still rather raw draft, improving and revising until The Star-Seer’s Prophecy trilogy was born.
Though the initial flood of creativity and inspiration has waned somewhat—I’m not staying up until 2:00AM writing these days—I’m having fun writing my blog, Inner Views, with posts offering inspiration for your journey on the hard path of psychological growth, creativity, and spiritual discovery.
Highlights of My Journey
Graduated high school; Traveled through Europe; Lived in Egypt;
Attended University of California at Berkeley; Got married.
Completed BA and MA in Sociology; Lived in Ethiopia; Got a divorce.
Began meditating and spiritual explorations.
Earned MAs in Clinical Psychology and Transpersonal Counseling;
Earned MFT license and began my practice as a psychotherapist;
Married the love of my life (happily married 30+ years later!)
Began my ongoing spiritual surrender practice.
Studied Focusing, Dreamwork, Sandplay Therapy, and Expressive Art Therapy. Weaving these strands together, I created a healing process called SoulPlay, and led SoulPlay workshops and women’s groups.
Examples of my own Soulplay process are available on my artistic website: www.soulplay.com
“This gorgeous site tucked away in a corner of the internet feels like sacred space, like sanctuary, like solace.”
—Chris Zydel
Began writing The Star-Seer’s Prophecy.
Dealt with three deaths in my family.
Closed my psychotherapy practice to focus on
my creative writing, intuitive painting, and spiritual practice.
The books of my trilogy, The Star Seer’s Prophecy,
were published by Rose Press:
Dark Innocence – 2012
Fierce Blessings – 2014
Perilous Bliss – 2018
Official Bio
Rahima Warren is the author of The Star-Seer’s Prophecy trilogy, a deep, compelling fantasy of the healing journey. A retired psychotherapist with over 30 years’ professional training and experience, she draws her vivid storytelling from her own healing journey and spiritual practice, as well as from her work guiding others toward wholeness. Through this work, she gained an intuitive understanding of the universal human experiences of wounding, healing, and transformation–the source and theme of her trilogy. She hopes this archetypal story will support and inspire you for your own journey on the “hard path” toward healing, forgiveness, and freedom.
For more about my purpose in life and creativity, please read my Mission Statement.
Naomi Rose of Rose Press calls herself a book developer. I call her my book midwife. For seventeen years, she has gently supported and expertly guided me in bringing forth my soul’s offering. She listened deeply and heard the truth of my rough story, and helped me shape and polish it into a well-written, fully-realized tale of deep healing and awakening, The Star-Seer’s Prophecy trilogy.
As my editor and publisher, she worked with me in a collaborative way, patiently providing the knowledge and skill gained in her 30 years as an author and a professional in the publications field, and offering the validation that a doubting author needed – that my trilogy is valuable and inspiring for the world. I am forever grateful for Naomi’s wisdom and guidance.
For more information, visit: www.rosepress.com
For more about how Naomi and I worked together, go here.
I also want to thank Brenda Murphy for her patience and skill in working with me to create the cover art for all three books and the prequel.
Let’s stay in touch! Subscribe to my occasional Inner Views blog and Book Newsletter.