A Dream of Peace
Recently, I dreamed that I was walking with a group of people with the President toward a meeting with the enemy. The President had a new, special power. He could say just one word, and it would become true, no matter what. I was wondering what word he should say. I realized that of course, he should say “Peace.” Then I noticed that I was not feeling peaceful. So I consciously focused on shifting into peacefulness.... Read More
Born to love. We all are. But then come all the circumstances, limitations, attitudes and apparent deficiencies we encounter in life. Makes it hard to remember to “Be Love Now” (as Ram Dass suggests in his book of that title). Despite the challenges, I’m spending a good part of my life bumbling along the path of the heart, exploring many ways of returning to the love I knew before I was born. It’s a bumpy journey, with lots of ups... Read More
What is calling to me is quietness. How do we find deep peace in this wild whirl of a world we live in? How do you?
The only answer I know is: by letting go. Letting go of the to-do list, even if just for a few moments, a few breaths. Letting go of my connections to others ~ emotional, mental, psychic, and electronic ~ just for now. Letting go of seeking answers, knowing they are more likely to arise... Read More