Pelé Speaks: A Message for Our Times
When I paint, I never know who is going to show up. This time it was Pelé, the Hawaiian Volcano Goddess. To find out why She did, I wrote a dialog with Her, using creative imagination. She brings us all a powerful message for this time, when we are facing eco-collapse and the rise of fascism and terrorism.
Dialog with Pelé
Rahima: Pelé, Black Goddess of Volcano and Ocean, creating New Land from the Fires of Your Molten Heart, at this time of Dangerous Opportunities, what message do You bear?
PELÉ: I am Mother EarthSea. I speak with the Voice of this One Living World. A Cycle is ending. Like frozen seas in early spring, things are breaking apart. Huge chunks jostle and crash against each other. Waters are rising. Much disarray of the Natural Order causes imbalance: flood and drought; too much Fire and not enough; Great Winds tossing waves, trees, houses, cars; tearing up many things by the roots; sending many species and tribes wandering far from their homes, hunting for survival. Many die. Madness and Fear rise like sick fires, spreading wildly from mind to mind, nation to nation.
Rahima: What can we do?
PELÉ: Prepare to survive or die, equally. Love while you can. Accept that there is no cover, nowhere to run. It is time to ride the whirlwind. Find your roots, your inner roots, your strength, your truth, your courage, your trust in All That Is.
LET GO of all ideas, beliefs, expectations. BE WITH WHAT IS without complaint. Protect what is good and true. Love what is real. DO NOT CHASE ILLUSIONS OF CONTROL OR SAFETY. Find those whose hearts understand as you do and swim with these good souls in the raging river that will wash away old structures, log jams of ideas and presumptions, all that clings to what has been.
Rahima: It is difficult not to be afraid. How may I find fierce courage and deep trust?
PELÉ: Be silent, quiet, still – and LISTEN. Let your Deep Heart speak and guide you. You are here now for a reason. What can you contribute to the Rising Tide of Change? How are you willing to die? To live?
Rahima: I am not a warrior or leader or great healer. What should I do?
PELÉ: Be the Voice of the Deep Truths. Allow the fierce Fire of Creation to live and burn and shine in you, through you, without resistance or need for comprehension. Allow your molten lava-love to flow forth from your heart, destroying outmoded structures, bringing forth new land from the sea.
Suggested Contemplations
How are you handling this time of crisis, of Dangerous Opportunities?
What defenses or illusions is it difficult to let go of?
What is your Deep Heart whispering to you?
I’d love to hear your responses to this post or these questions. Please leave a comment, or email me at
This part of Pele’s words touched me: “PELÉ: Be the Voice of the Deep Truths. Allow the fierce Fire of Creation to live and burn and shine in you, through you, without resistance or need for comprehension. Allow your molten lava-love to flow forth from your heart, destroying outmoded structures, bringing forth new land from the sea.“ It appears that we have to break free ourselves in order to let go of our old way of being and bring in a new way.
Thanks for your comment, Abrah! Yes, the society cannot change if we do not free ourselves from the old and dangerously out-dated paradigm of capitalism, unlimited growth based on extraction of limited resources from the Earth, and exploitation of people for the sake of corporate profits for the wealthy. And the victim-blaming of said corporations and other authorities who try to make structural issues the fault of individuals instead of the social-economic structure. Individual and social change go hand-in-hand.