Meeting My Bright Shadow
OK, I have no more excuses. There’s a fantasy/sci-fi “con” (conference) practically next door, and a chance to do my very first public book reading as a part of a supportive group of women writers of sci-fi, fantasy & horror (Broad Universe). I have to sign up!
Now I’ve done it. I signed up, and I’m living with a heavy demon of dread lurking in the pit of my stomach. These brilliant, high-powered aliens from the... Read More
Months of going up the learning curve of social media and book publicity, plus caring for my 94 year old mother, left me in dire need of some fun. So my beloved husband and I headed north to visit old friends for a few days. This is a little story of my kind of fun. What’s yours?
On the way up, we joined “Rumi’s Caravan” for an evening of poetry and music. After a madly healthy Middle-Eastern feast, we and... Read More
When reading a story set in a fantasy world or time, do you find it odd when the characters’ names are old familiar ones from our everyday reality? I always wonder why people in a strange time/place would have names like Steven or Julia. Also, why would they use the same words to refer to time or distance that we do? Convenient for the writer perhaps, but too familiar for me as a reader wanting to immerse myself in a... Read More
Persephone in the Marketplace:
A Goddess of the Underworld Ventures into the Social Media Whirl
Here’s my dilemma: How does a “goddess of the underworld” move into the bright lights of the marketplace to offer a gift of healing and awakening? How does shy Persephone, Queen of Hades, navigate the clamorous, bright, lively Agora?
Like Persephone, I’ve spent many years exploring the “underworld” of the human psyche: on my own healing journey, and as a psychotherapist helping others on their... Read More