Rahima's Inner Views Blog

Posts on Creativity, Writing, and the Inner Life

Book Launch Party for Perilous Bliss

On the day of a very rare Super Blue Moon Eclipse, I launched Perilous Bliss, the final book of my trilogy, The Star Seer’s Prophecy. When I picked that date, January 31st, 2018, for the publication of my third book, I had no idea what a remarkable moment it would be for the completion of the trilogy—my 18-year labor of love. My “baby” was graduating and leaving home to go out into the wide world on a most auspicious day. Of course, it was time to breathe a sigh of relief, shed a few tears—and celebrate!

Book Launch Party

A few days later, I threw a Launch Party with book signings, my first public book reading, door prizes, and delicious treats.

I was delighted that thirty of my friends and fellow authors or therapists came to celebrate with me at the Creative Juices Arts Studio, where I’ve been painting for 20 years.

An Art Show too.

Intuitive/expressive art has been an integral part of the creation of my trilogy so I displayed a few of my paintings. Learning to freely express whatever arises from within through art allowed me to receive and write the dark and redemptive story that became The Star Seer’s Prophecy.



I was glad to have the chance to publicly thank the two who have been my mainstays throughout this amazing creative journey:

My editor and publisher, Naomi Rose who has been such a kind, wise “book midwife.” She often had more faith in my books than I did, and inspired me to keep on working to bring Kyr’s challenging and inspiring story into the world. (Behind Naomi and me is a painting of my Muse.)

My wonderful and steadfast “behind-the-scenes” supporter, my husband, Mashuri. If not for his understanding, patience, and belief in my books, I would never have finished writing and editing them.

My Readers: I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank my readers, including those who’ve shared their stories of how my books have helped them on their own healing journey or what the books have meant to them. That is this author’s greatest reward.


Now this intense, creative journey of bringing forth light from deepest darkness through transformative fiction has come to an end. I am honored that Kyr chose me to write his profound story of healing and awakening, and grateful for the challenging growth opportunities it has brought me.



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